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Radiology is the medical specialty that deals with the imaging of the body by means of rays or waves. This imaging is often indispensable in determining the nature and location of a disease or injury. The radiology department of the St. Vincentius Hospital performs various examinations, including: ultrasound scans, X-rays and skeletal X-rays. The department provides the necessary  care both to outpatients and clinical patients. The treatment team consists of guest radiologists.



After the examination, the radiologist will review and assess the images. The results can be provided to the attending doctor or specialist either by directly sending or by means of collection through the patient.


The business hours of the radiology department are :

Monday to Friday: 07:00 am - 03:00 pm


The radiology department can be reached by telephone at 471212, extension 219.


Na afloop van het onderzoek zal de radioloog de beelden bekijken en beoordelen. De uitslag kan door u worden opgehaald of door ons worden doorgestuurd naar de behandelde arts of specialist.

De openingstijden van de afdeling radiologie zijn:

Maandag t/m vrijdag 07:00u – 15:00u De afdeling radiologie is telefonisch bereikbaar op 471212, toestel 219.

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