Working and learning Internship
Working and learning Internship
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Opname & bezoek Rechten en plichten

Orthopedics focuses on pain relief and restriction of movement. Our orthopedic surgeons examine and treat patients with musculoskeletal disorders, such as your knee, hip, ankle, hand and wrist. These problems can be congenital, arose later in life or the result of an accident (traumatology). We investigate your complaints, discuss the treatment options and decide together with you what is the best treatment in your personal situation.
Our goal is to solve your complaints and thus improve your quality of life. Treatment can often be 'conservative'. This means that no surgery is required and that the treatment consists of, for example, advice about adjustments in daily life, physiotherapy or medicines.
Our orthopedists are as follows:

Consultation days Clinical hours
Monday 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Thursday 04:00 pm - 10:00 pm
For more information and to make appointments, you can contact the clinic by telephone via telephone number 471212, extension 220.
Drs. S. Cheung

Prof. Dr. S. Samijo (guest specialist)
No consultation hours for the time being
For more information and to make appointments, you can contact the clinic by telephone via telephone number 471212, extension 220.
Prof. Dr. S. Samijo